
After some repairs on a slightly older ESD generator / simulator gun, we felt the need to do a verification of the output pulse. Particularly the voltage, but it would be great to view the actual waveform as well. Only problem was these standardized ESD targets; these are ridiculously expensive for what is basically just a little bit of brass & stainless steel, some Teflon/PTFE and an N connector. We checked what's required and how to make it, and the result is below.

ESD Target

The device is also known as a ‘Pommerenke target’, which is the successor of the older 1GHz ‘Pellegrini target’, although nor IEC 61000-4-2 nor ISO 10605 mention either of these names.


  • Per IEC 61000-4-2:2008 / EN 61000-4-2:2009 Annex C / ISO 10605:2008 Annex B
  • Test discharge levels up to ±30kV
  • 2.04Ω ±1% Termination resistance
  • 50Ω N connection
  • Dimensions ⌀70×40mm
  • Insertion loss variation better than ±0.5dB up to 1GHz, ±1.2dB up to 4GHz
  • 20dB attenuator included
  • 1m RG400 N to SMA cable included *1
  • Stainless steel drilling template
  • Each unit individually verified *2

In order to be able to calibrate the target + attenuator + cable to the requirements, we had to change the cable termination from BNC to SMA. Up to 1GHz we are with the ±0.5dB requirement. Up to about 4GHz we are also okay with ±1.2dB.

To connect with the typical 2GHz oscilloscope, you have to add a SMA to BNC adapter. In order to measure beyond 6kV or so (25A pulse), additional attenuators might be needed (on the SMA side of the cable) since the 50Ω-mode input voltage of many oscilloscopes is limited to 5V.

Optional target adapter line:

  • Per IEC 61000-4-2:2008 / EN 61000-4-2:2009 Annex B / ISO 10605:2008 Annex B
  • 50Ω SMA connection
  • Dimensions ⌀70×60mm
  • Face-to-face characteristic impedance 50Ω ±1%
  • Face-to-face return loss better than -30dB up to 1GHz, ≤ -20 dB up to 4GHz *2
  • Face-to-face insertion loss ±0.3dB up to 4GHz *2
  • Protective face cover plate included
Made in Holland


Item: Description: Status: Price: Action:Preloader
84-445-100fetching data...
84-445-300fetching data...

1) SMA instead of BNC as of may 2024
2) Limited (non-acredited) calibration using well maintained HP 8753D 6GHz VNA & Megiq CAL-SMA-6F