(under construction)


Much of our 6kV surge-rated devices are offered with an optional surge test report for which each unit is individually subject to a surge test sequence. This involves quite a bit of swapping of wires to setup fo each coupling mode. This entire test sequence is scripted with SCPI control of the surge generator and the oscilloscope, and we wanted to automate the switching of the wires also.

We solved this by designing a motor drive assembly for industrial cam switches which can be controlled over CAN/CANopen.


This surge test multiplexer combines three rugged switches with 6kV impulse rating. First switch selects the coupling device while the other two enable the coupling onto an arbitraty pair of wires.

Surge test multiplexer


  • Channel S: 4-position switch for coupling mode(direct, GDT, TVS, 1µF)
  • Channel P: 6-position switch (1:6 signals)
  • Channel N: 7-position switch (1:6 signals + earth)
  • AC rating 690V/20A
  • Impulse rating 6.6kV
  • Connections: safety banana jacks
  • SCPI control via Ethernet or via USB-TMC
  • Dimensions 300×200×100mm
Made in Holland


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